You can develop your plan in different approaches. You can create a detailed plan by Units, defining each unit specifications. You can also do it on a Property level or a higher level of planning based on the total Saleable Area.
You can develop multiple plans for a single project and compare them to decide on the best alternative.
It supports single or multiple phases projects, where each phase can be planned in a different mode.
You can create common database of your different units, and properties, that can be used in any of your projects.
You can create a database for all your construction activities and costing, in order to use them in any future project.
You can create multiple payment plans with different scenarios that matches the market requirements
You can identify multiple collection plans to match your business requirements.
You can link your costing structure to any of the following variables (Exchange Rates, Steel Price, Cement Price). This allows you to update the full study if any changes happen to one of the costing pillars.
This gives multiple options in calculating the land cost. You can plan it based on cash payment, installments, against units, or as a percentage of project's sales. You can also do a hybrid payment plan which include cash, installment, units and sales percentage.